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[ SE1 Direct ] 	  

Issue 13 | 14 July 2000

An email update from the Bankside Press team

>> T H I S   W E E K E N D

[ Community Celebration ]

Sunday 16 July; 1-7pm; free

Described as "London�s best-loved village fete", this
is a popular annual event on the South Bank in Bernie
Spain Gardens and at Oxo Tower Wharf. Live music,
puppets including a giant dayglo dragon and more
traditional Punch & Judy, clowns and trapeze and
trampoline shows all feature in the afternoon's
programme, along with a Save the Children graffiti
wall, the National Theatre balloon race, community
group stalls, craft stalls and more. Plus the chance to
take part in Timelines, a major Waterloo community
history project. 

A Coin Street Festival event

>> C O N T A C T   D E T A I L S

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[SE1 Direct] Editor: James Hatts
[email protected]

27 Blackfriars Road, London SE1 8NY
Tel 020 7633 0766 - Fax 020 7401 2521


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