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[ SE1 Direct ] 	  

Issue 14 | 24 July 2000

An email update from the Bankside Press team


[ Music Under Waterloo Station ]

The Geoids - an amateur musical theatre company that
have been working in the Waterloo area for more than 70
years - are performing Zootrope, a show featuring The
Zoo, a rarely performed one-act comic Grand Opera by
Sir Arthur Sullivan, together with a programme of
choral and solo works ranging from Purcell and Bach to
John Rutter. 

Wednesday 26 to Saturday 29 July; 7.30pm in the New
Arch Theatre, in the tunnel under Waterloo station off
Waterloo Road, beyond the temporary toilets, the Red
Star Parcels Office etc. 

Tickets are available on the door or from the Box
Office on 01959 576251. Contact Deborah Dowdall on
07771 763680 for further details.

The Geoids are looking for a new home - see


[ Woza Africa - Coin Street Festival ]

Sunday 30 July; 2-7pm; free

Live music from across the continent, plus dance,
storytelling, beading and braiding workshops, games
from the Oware Society, mouth-watering foods and craft

In Bernie Spain Gardens on the South Bank


[ SE1 Web Directory ]

In response to the feedback that you've been sending us
we are setting up an SE1 Web Directory/Search Engine on
the website. 

We hope to make it a comprehensive listing of SE1
businesses, services and community organisations on the

We are busy filling the directory at the moment, so if
your SE1-based business or organisation has a site that
ought to be included then please email us with the
title, address and a short description to
[email protected]

The new service will go live in the next few weeks and
[SE1 Direct] subscribers will be the first to hear
about the launch.
>> C O N T A C T   D E T A I L S

We welcome your comments on any aspect of our website,
printed publication and email service. The address is
[email protected]

[SE1 Direct] Editor: James Hatts
[email protected]

27 Blackfriars Road, London SE1 8NY
Tel 020 7633 0766 - Fax 020 7401 2521


SE1 Direct  is copyright (c) 2000 Bankside Press