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[ SE1 Direct ] 	          <>

Email update from the Bankside Press team

Issue 8 | 10 June 2000

Visit London SE1: <>

>> S P E C I A L   B U L L E T I N

Photos of today's public opening of the Millennium
Bridge can now be seen at

Don't forget tonight's lantern procession across the
bridge from 9.30pm!

You've got until tomorrow (Sunday) to visit the Blade
of Light exhibition at

And if you are at a loose end on Bankside, why not drop
into Shakespeare's Globe for its annual weekend of free
events in honour of Sam Wanamaker's birthday:

>> C O N T A C T   D E T A I L S

[SE1 Direct] Editor: James Hatts
<[email protected]>

Bankside Press, PO Box 16560, London SE1 0YP
Tel 020 7633 0766 - Fax 020 7620 4356

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