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[ SE1 Direct ] 	  

Issue 9 | 12 June 2000

An email update from the Bankside Press team

>> T H I S   W E E K

[ A Space to Pray at St John's Waterloo ]

Anyone who works, lives or is passing through Waterloo
is invited to come into St John's church between 11am
and 7pm every day this week to find a space to pray, a
space to be, a space to explore, a space to listen and
to be listened to, a space to talk and a space to
create. Prayers will be led every day at 12 noon, 2pm
and 6pm.



[ Royal Operations ]

This Wednesday at the Florence Nightingale Museum 
Professor Harold Ellis CBE takes a fascinating and
amusing look at the illnesses and treatment of royalty
over the past few centuries.
6.30pm; �10 (inc glass of wine and museum entry) 



[ Lambeth Village guided walk ]

This Thursday Brian Bloice will lead a guided walk
round Lambeth Village. Meet 6.45pm at Morley College,
Westminster Bridge Road (�5).


[ Buckminster Fuller: Your Private Sky ]

This new exhibition opens on Thursday 15 June at the
Design Museum. Designer, architect, scientist,
philosopher, artist, engineer, entrepreneur and
mathematician, Richard Buckminster Fuller worked
simultaneously on plans for houses, cars, boats,
furniture, domes and television transmitters, all to be
mass-produced using the simplest and most sustainable
means possible. The exhibition will provide the first
opportunity in this country to assess the vast range of
his creative ideas and output. Runs until Sunday 15



[ Bankside Street Improvements Walking Tours ]

As part of Architecture Week Southwark Council is
offering free walking tours led by Chris Patterson
showcasing the recent street improvements (signage,
landscaping etc) in the Bankside area. Meet at the
Southwark Needle (outside Southwark Information Centre)
at 10am, 12 noon, 2pm and 4pm. Each walk is different -
call 020 7525 5539 for full details.



[ Christ Church Garden ]

This Friday (16 June) Christ Church Garden in
Blackfriars Road will host a grand reopening ceremony,
Opening by the Mayor of Southwark at 12.30pm. Featuring
refreshments, brass band, raffle, barbecue and more.
12 noon-2pm; free 


>> C O N T A C T   D E T A I L S

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printed publication and email service. The address is
[email protected]

[SE1 Direct] Editor: James Hatts
[email protected]

Bankside Press, PO Box 16560, London SE1 0YP
Tel 020 7633 0766 - Fax 020 7620 4356


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