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======================================================= [ SE1 Direct ] Issue 24 | 20 October 2000 ======================================================= An email update from the Bankside Press team ======================================================= >> I N T H I S B U L L E T I N ======================================================= * Southwark Festival highlights * New programme at the BFI London IMAX (Apologies to those subscribers who read SE1 Direct at work that we didn't get the mailing out earlier - we will try harder next week!) ======================================================= [ Southwark Festival highlights ] This weekend the Southwark Festival is in full swing, with Apple Day celebrations in Borough Market and Family Fun Days in Borough Market. See for full details. ======================================================= [ New programme at the BFI London IMAX ] A new schedule starts today at the BFI London IMAX, including a new film, Cyberworld. See ======================================================= Contributions for the next [SE1 Direct] bulletin to [email protected] please. ======================================================= >> C O N T A C T D E T A I L S ======================================================= We welcome your comments on any aspect of our website, printed publication and email service. The address is [email protected] [SE1 Direct] c/o "in SE1", 27 Blackfriars Road, London SE1 8NY Tel 020 7633 0766 - Fax 020 7401 2521 Web SE1 Direct is copyright (c) 2000 Bankside Press