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======================================================= [ SE1 Direct ] Issue 28 | 20 November 2000 ======================================================= An email update from the Bankside Press team ======================================================= >> I N T H I S B U L L E T I N ======================================================= * Design Sense Award exhibition * Southwark Oratorio * London SE1 Forums * SMS Trial update * Coming soon to ======================================================= [ Design Sense Award exhibition ] An exhibition of the winning and shortlisted entries in the only international award for sustainable industrial design and architecture is on display at the Design Museum until 21 January 2001. Six products and six buildings were selected by a panel of judges from entries received from around the world. Objects on display in the exhibition include models, original drawings and video to show the sustainable qualities of each product or building. The selected products are the BMW C1 motorcycle; a compostable upholstery fabric; the IBM desktop e-business Internet server; an energy-saving residential fuel cell; a solar powered outdoor light; and a waste-reducing weaving machine. The selected buildings are the Reichstag in Berlin, the Cultural Greenhouse in Terrasson, France; the Web of Life at London Zoo, Stratford Regional Station, London; the Integer Millennium House and Manor Park in Twycross. See ======================================================= [ Southwark Oratorio ] On Thursday the English National Opera in partnership with Southwark Cathedral presents a choral piece celebrating the experience and cultural diversity of older people in London at the Millennium. Many from Southwark, Tower Hamlets and Newham are taking part. Devised and commissioned by the Baylis Programme (ENO�s Education, Community and Outreach team), the piece is inspired by the participants� views of the past and the changing aspects of London life. See and Call 020 7739 5808 for tickets and prices ======================================================= [ London SE1 Forums ] For some inexplicable reason the message menu of the London SE1 Forum was deleted from the web server last night. Rather than painstakingly recreating the menu, we have taken advantage of this opportunity to upgrade our message board software. We now have the ability to run multiple forums. Here are the ones we have set up so far: * General Forums - General Discussion - Local History * Attraction Forums - London Eye - Tate Modern * Neighbourhood Forums - Bankside - Bermondsey - The Borough - Elephant & Castle - South Bank - Waterloo So please go along to - have a look and help us to get the discussions going! And if you've got any ideas for new forum categories please let us know at [email protected] ======================================================= [ SMS Trial Update ] Thank you to all those SE1 Direct subscribers who signed up for our trial SMS service mentioned in our last mailing. We will be in touch soon with further information. Please note that applications for the trial have now closed. ======================================================= [ Coming soon to ] We are working on lots of new features for the London SE1 website - first up will be a fully searchable database of restaurants in SE1, which will be online in the next few weeks. Keep visiting and reading SE1 Direct for details of all the new features. And if there's anything you would like us to add to the site, please let us know by emailing [email protected] ======================================================= Contributions for the next [SE1 Direct] bulletin to [email protected] please. ======================================================= >> C O N T A C T D E T A I L S ======================================================= We welcome your comments on any aspect of our website, printed publication and email service. The address is [email protected] [SE1 Direct] c/o "in SE1", 27 Blackfriars Road, London SE1 8NY Tel 020 7633 0766 - Fax 020 7401 2521 Web SE1 Direct is copyright (c) 2000 Bankside Press