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[ SE1 Direct ]    

Issue 31 | 5 December 2000

An email update from the Bankside Press team

>> I N   T H I S   B U L L E T I N 

* Southwark Cathedral floodlighting

* Vauxhall Cross Scheme open evening

* World's largest ESP experiment

* Fireworks on the Thames

* In the London SE1 Forums


[ Southwark Cathedral floodlighting ]

"I am going to ask you to do what you have always
wanted to do: turn your back on a politician" said
Culture Secretary Chris Smith as he invited the crowd
outside Southwark Cathedral to stop listening at him
and watch the building slowly light up. The Cabinet
Minister was speaking last Sunday to members of the
Advent Carol Service congregation who had gone outside
for the switch on of lights. Also present were Timothy
West and his wife Prunella Scales and Millennium
Commission member Lady Howe.

Exclusive pictures at


[ Vauxhall Cross Scheme open evening ]

Vauxhall businesses and residents are invited to
attend a public open evening on Wednesday 6 December
from 6.30pm at Oval Cricket Ground, Kennington, Oval.
There will be a presentation at 7pm with a detailed
display of all parts of the scheme. You will be able to
meet representatives from the Project Team

See for more on the scheme.


[ World's Largest ESP experiment ]

Does telepathy exist? Is it possible for mere mortals
to send images using psychic transmission? The Museum
of the Unknown at Oxo Tower Wharf is hosting the
world's largest extra-sensory perception experiment.

Under the guidance of Dr Richard Wiseman, members of
the public are invited to take part in a
mass-participation experiment. The event runs between
10am and 5pm in the Museum, with the action moving to
Bernie Spain Gardens from 6pm to 10pm. Volunteers are
welcome to drop in for an hour or stay the whole day.

There's more on this event at the Sci-Fi channel


[ Fireworks on the Thames ]

The New Year's Eve fireworks may have been cancelled,
but you can get in party mood on Thursday at 8.30pm
when a private Royal Bank of Scotland display will
light up the river between Waterloo and Blackfriars
Bridges. if you are not in the area you can catch the 6
minute display on the Livesights webcam at


[ In the London SE1 Forums ]

Some of the topics raised in recent discussions on our
message boards:

- London Bridge Tower - the debate STILL continues
- Answers to the Hotel Druzhba question
- More London development website
- Eco-friendly ice creams on the South Bank?
- Photography at Tate Modern

To get involved, visit


Contributions for the next [SE1 Direct] bulletin to
[email protected] please.

>> C O N T A C T   D E T A I L S

We welcome your comments on any aspect of our website,
printed publication and email service. The address is
[email protected]

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