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[ SE1 Direct ]    

Issue 32 | 12 December 2000

An email update from the Bankside Press team

>> I N   T H I S   B U L L E T I N 

* Sainsbury's SE1 supermarket shock

* Choral Evensong on BBC Radio 3

* Integrate, Amalgamate, Differentiate

* In the London SE1 Forums


[ Sainsbury's SE1 supermarket shock ]

Talk to any resident of the South Bank and Bankside
areas about the disadvantages of living in this part of
Central London, and the lack of supermarkets is bound
to come up. 

Well, the area's reputation as a supermarket-free zone
could be a thing of the past if Sainsbury's carry out a
redevelopment of their Stamford Street headquarters

Last week's announcement that the supermarket group is
to relocate its head office to Holborn Circus paves the
way for plans to develop new office accommodation in
Stamford Street, together with a 10,000sq ft
Sainsbury's Central store.

Read the Sainsbury's press release at

Have your say on this story at


[ Choral Evensong on BBC Radio 3 ]

BBC Radio 3 will be broadcasting Choral Evensong live
from Southwark Cathedral at 4pm on Wednesday.


[ Integrate, Amalgamate, Differentiate ]

Farouk Campbell writes:

The unique steel mesh sculptures by David Begbie are
beautiful, erotic and dynamic creations each exhibiting
a life of their own.  Begbie basis his work on creating
archetypes of beauty and physical perfection of the
male/female physique.

The steel mesh is moulded by hand, manipulated like
clay and it is interesting to find the superb detail in
some of his smaller works.

His sculptures not only communicate beauty but also
convey movement.  Sculpted mobiles of faces seem like
holographic projections, and bodies amalgamated in
tableaux of 2s and 3s extended this movement in poses
and shadows they create.

The interesting element of shadows is essential to the
design of each creation and as light glides through the
steel mesh creating a doppelganger effect they reveal
surprisingly more details of the figure and its
classically proportioned lineaments.  Begie's
sculptures are aesthetically eye-catching in their
beauty, dynamic construction, their proportions, and in
the amazing way they incorporate shadows.  They are
extremely desirable and fascinating to see.

Gallery Differentiate, Tower Bridge Piazza



[ In the London SE1 Forums ]

Some of the topics raised in recent discussions on our
message boards:

- Winchester Palace
- Sainsbury's development plan
- Eating at Tate Modern
- Illuminations on the London Eye
- Lord Palmerston pub in Bermondsey
- What happened to the Bermondsey Square plans?

To get involved, visit


Contributions for the next [SE1 Direct] bulletin to
[email protected] please.

>> C O N T A C T   D E T A I L S

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printed publication and email service. The address is
[email protected]

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