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[ SE1 Direct ]    

Issue 34 | 2 February 2001

An email update from the Bankside Press team

>> I N   T H I S   B U L L E T I N 

* in SE1 - February 2001

* Century City at Tate Modern

* SE1 Restaurant Search

* In the London SE1 Forums


[ in SE1 - February 2001 ]

The February issue of our monthly what's on guide "in
SE1" is now available for download in Adobe Acrobat
format at

Printed copies are available at all the usual locations
across the SE1 area. 


[ Century City at Tate Modern ]

The big news on the London art scene at the moment is
the opening of Century City, Tate Modern's first major

You can find out more about the exhibition on our Tate
Modern mini-site at

You can read Marion Marples' review of the exhibition


[ SE1 Restaurant search ]

Thank you to everyone who has sent us feedback on our
new Restaurant guide. We have made some refinements as
a result of your comments. We have also added many more
photos to the database, with more to come over the next
few days.

If you haven't checked it out yet, visit


[ In the London SE1 Forums ]

Some of the topics raised in recent discussions on our
message boards:

- Bye bye paper merchants
- Old graveyard at the Elephant & Castle
- Restaurant at Tate Modern - not enough desserts
- Bankside's redevelopment since 1945
- History of Bermondsey Street
- Sainsbury's v. Borough Market
- London Bridge skyscraper
- London Eye on New Year's Eve

To get involved, visit


Contributions for the next [SE1 Direct] bulletin to
[email protected] please.

>> C O N T A C T   D E T A I L S

We welcome your comments on any aspect of our website,
printed publication and email service. The address is
[email protected]

[SE1 Direct]
c/o "in SE1", 27 Blackfriars Road, London SE1 8NY
Tel 020 7633 0766 - Fax 020 7401 2521


SE1 Direct is copyright (c) 2001 Bankside Press