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======================================================= [ SE1 Direct ] Issue 42 | 27 April 2001 ======================================================= An email update from the Bankside Press team ======================================================= >> I N T H I S B U L L E T I N ======================================================= * May issue of "in SE1" * Nelson Mandela * St George's Day * MGH Plant Fair * This week in the NEW London SE1 Forum ======================================================= [ May issue of "in SE1" ] The May 2001 issue of "in SE1", our monthly printed what's on publication, is now being printed. But if you can't wait until next week for a paper copy, it's now available in electronic (Adobe Acrobat PDF) format on our website at As it is the third anniversary of the launch of "in SE1", we have made issue 1 available for download. You can also find that at ======================================================= [ Nelson Mandela visits SE1 ] You've probably heard about the concert in Trafalgar Square, but you might not have heard that Nelson Mandela will be in Southwark tomorrow for the official opening of the new millennium development. ======================================================= [ St George's Day ] To mark St George's Day, Borough Market is this weekend hosting a performance by the Lions part of "St George & The Dragon". The procession to the market leaves Shakespeare's Globe at 11.30am on Sunday 29 April. Traders will be providing seasonal foods. ======================================================= [ Plants and Garden Fair ] The annual Spring Plants and Garden Fair will be held at the Museum of Garden History on Sunday 29 April (10.30am to 5.00pm). ======================================================= [ This week in the London SE1 Forum ] Some of the topics raised in recent discussions on our message board: Coronet Cinema at Elephant Hope Theatre of Bankside Crime Team on Channel 4 Bridget Jones's Diary - spot the SE1 locations Tate Modern: one year on ======================================================= >> C O N T A C T D E T A I L S ======================================================= Bankside Press London SE1 - community site in SE1 - what's on guide SE1 Direct - email news Contributions for the next SE1 Direct bulletin to [email protected] please. We welcome your comments on any aspect of our website, printed publication and email service. The address is [email protected] SE1 Direct is copyright (c) 2001 Bankside Press ======================================================= >> S U B S C R I P T I O N I N F O R M A T I O N ======================================================= Changing your email address? Send an email to [email protected] stating your old and new addresses, and we'll sort everything out.