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======================================================= [ SE1 Direct ] Issue 51 | 31 August 2001 ======================================================= Your weekly update on what's happening in SE1 ======================================================= Welcome back to our weekly update service, which is resuming after a summer break. ======================================================= >> I N T H I S B U L L E T I N ======================================================= * What's on in SE1 * September issue of 'in SE1' * Quick Snippets * In the London SE1 Forum ======================================================= [ What's on in SE1 ] Doctor Faustus at The Rose Tonight and Saturday Rehearsed readings of Marlowe's Doctor Faustus, presented by the Lions part, with a distinguished cast including Anton Lesser as Dr Faustus and David Bradley as Mephistopheles. 7.30pm; �8 Oyster & Seafood Fair at Hay's Galleria Today, Saturday & Sunday Annual event, with stalls and music. The Herbal Sanctuary - Old Operating Theatre Sunday 2.30pm; 33.25 (conc �2.25) Discover forgotten remedies at the lecture in the historic Old Operating Theatre Shell have announced big plans for the development of the Shell Centre area, which will have a big impact on the South Bank. The plans go on display from Monday.,5833,,00.html?article=52057&type=press&siteid=1160 Meeting about Bankside developments, including "Tate Tower" plans Tuesday 4 September, 7pm at Tate Modern Walk this Way - South Bank photographs Exhibition at the National Theatre until 15 September ======================================================= [ September issue of 'in SE1' ] Now appearing at all the usual locations across SE1! Or download a copy now at We've now uploaded the entire archive from May 1998, so you can browse all 39 issues of 'in SE1' online in Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format. ======================================================= [ Quick snippets ] Jerry Hall has launched BT's sponsorship of Tate Online at Tate Modern Bridget Jones's Diary - partly filmed in SE1 - has now made over $100million around the world Southwark is the place to be and be seen, according to The Independent: ======================================================= ADVERTISEMENT ============= PIANO LESSONS from experienced teachers in classical, jazz, blues, R&B,pop, funk, gospel and church. From beginners to advanced. All ages welcome. Tuition for grades and theory exams. For further info call 07930 563088. Get your advert in SE1 Direct - [email protected] ======================================================= [ In the London SE1 Forum ] Some of the topics raised in recent discussions on our message board at Archbishop's Park Fun Day Oyster & Seafood Festival Bankside Restaurant Cable TV providers Traffic in Park Street & Sumner Street Dinner and dance venues Wine tasting Supermarkets New traffic arrangements in Union Street area Got an opinion you would like to share with the rest of SE1? Visit ======================================================= >> C O N T A C T D E T A I L S ======================================================= Bankside Press London SE1 - community site in SE1 - what's on guide SE1 Direct - email news Contributions for the next SE1 Direct email bulletin to [email protected] please. We welcome your comments on any aspect of our website, printed publication and email service. The address is [email protected] SE1 Direct is copyright (c) 2001 Bankside Press ======================================================= >> S U B S C R I P T I O N I N F O R M A T I O N ======================================================= Changing your email address? Send an email to [email protected] stating your old and new addresses, and we'll sort everything out.