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======================================================= [ SE1 Direct ] Issue 53 | 13 September 2001 ======================================================= Your weekly update on what's happening in SE1 ======================================================= >> I N T H I S B U L L E T I N ======================================================= * News & Events * Quick Snippets * In the London SE1 Forum ======================================================= [ News & Events ] Special Eucharist There will be a special Eucharist for all those who died in New York and Washington, the injured, the bereaved and all the people of the USA on Friday 14 September at 12.45pm at Southwark Cathedral. Thames Festival: fireworks cancelled There's an exciting weekend of events ahead on the South Bank at this year's bigger and better Thames Festival, but Sunday's fireworks display has been cancelled following this week's tragic events in the USA. US terror attacks: effects on SE1 Police raid Borough ant-capitalist base� Serota joins 'Tate Tower' row� Joan Collins coming to SE1� Blairs in Waterloo for Young Vic bash Bishop speaks out in Octavia Hill estates row ======================================================= [ Quick snippets ] Fulham Football Club will be providing free football coaching in Archbishops Park as part of their Football in the Community Programme. The sessions will be every Saturday morning from 10am-12 noon. Sessions are aimed at boys and girls between the ages of 7 and 15. Initially the programme will run for five weeks but if there is sufficient demand Friends of Archbishops Park intend to seek futher funding to cover the rest of the season. So pass the message on! This year's World Press Photo exhibition opens on Friday at the Royal Festival Hall See Blade Runner at the BFI London IMAX Cinema this weekend Saturday is the last chance to see the Walk this Way exhibition of South Bank photos at the National Theatre The Young Vic has announced two productions for Christmas and Winter - Monkey: A Tale From China and A Prayer For My Daughter. ======================================================= [ In the London SE1 Forum ] Some of the topics raised in recent discussions on our message board at Bricklayers' Arms Roundabout - debate continues Plumbers in the Tower Bridge area Looking for office space History of my building (Trinity/Bath/Devonshire House) Parking on Bermondsey Steet St Mary Magdelen, Bermondsey Street Proposals for Bermondsey Spa - update Got an opinion you would like to share with the rest of SE1? Visit ======================================================= Enjoyed this issue of SE1 Direct? Know a friend or colleague who'd appreciate our weekly updates? Why not forward this message to them now? Let them know that they can subscribe for themselves at ======================================================= >> C O N T A C T D E T A I L S ======================================================= Bankside Press London SE1 - community site in SE1 - what's on guide SE1 Direct - email news Contributions for the next SE1 Direct email bulletin to [email protected] please. We welcome your comments on any aspect of our website, printed publication and email service. The address is [email protected] SE1 Direct is copyright (c) 2001 Bankside Press ======================================================= >> S U B S C R I P T I O N I N F O R M A T I O N ======================================================= Changing your email address? Send an email to [email protected] stating your old and new addresses, and we'll sort everything out.