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======================================================= [ SE1 Direct ] Issue 54 | 16 October 2001 ======================================================= Welcome to SE1 Direct. Due to circumstances beyond our control we have been unable to send our usual bulletins for the past few weeks. Another bulletin with details of this weekend's events will be sent out on Thursday or Friday. Normal service will then be resumed. ======================================================= >> I N T H I S B U L L E T I N ======================================================= * October issue of 'in SE1' * News & Events * Quick Snippets * In the London SE1 Forum ======================================================= [ October issue of 'in SE1' ] The October issue of 'in SE1' (our monthly what's on guide) has been available at the usual venues for a couple of weeks now. If you haven't seen a copy yet, you can download one at ======================================================= [ News & Events ] Wednesday 17th October. THE MYSTERIES PILGRIMAGE with John Constable Meet 6.45, depart 7pm from The George Inn, Borough High Street. �3 suggested donation on the night John Constable, author of The Southwark Mysteries, conducts a guided tour of the old Bankside 'Liberty', relating the folk history of ancient sites to his vision of Southwark's unique identity. Sites include the Tabard Inn, Southwark Cathedral, St Mary Overie dock, Winchester Palace, The Clink Prison and the Crossbones Graveyard. The tour ends with refreshments and revels back at The George. Thursday 18-Saturday 20 October DIDO, QUEEN OF CARTHAGE at the Rose Theatre Exhibition The Rose Theatre Exhibition is following the success of Dr. Faustus at the end of August with a series of staged readings of Dido, Queen of Carthage. The play has only been performed a handful of times in the past fifty years so it will be a real treat to see such an undervalued play brought to life in the space Christopher Marlowe once worked in. The readings take place on Wednesday 17, Thursday 18 and Saturday 20 October from 8pm at The Rose in Park Street. Tickets �10.00/�8.00 concs. Friday 19th will be a Gala Performance from 7.00pm and tickets will cost �30.00 To book please call 020 8469 0140. Thursday 18 October TRINITY COLLEGE OF MUSIC Staff, students, alumni and guests of Trinity College of Music will sail downriver from Wesminster to Greenwich, accompanied by HMS Westminster for the official opening of the King Charles Court, Trinity's new home. Tower Bridge will be raised between 1.30 and 2.00pm for the boats to pass. Thursday 18 October PRINCESS ROYAL at BFI London IMAX Cinema The Princess Royal, Patron of the UK Antarctic Heritage Trust, is to attend the British premi�re of Shackleton�s Antarctic Adventure at the BFI IMAX Cinema on Thursday 18 October. The princess is due to arrive just before 7pm. The film uses original footage and re-enactments to convey the drama of this extraordinary story of survival against all odds. LIVESIGHTS DESKTOP SHOWS AND SCREENSAVERS Livesights, operators of the fabulous ThamesCam webcam that watches the Pool of London, are now offering multimedia desktop shows and screensavers, including the opportunity to replay the Thames Festival Lantern Procession and the Great River Race on your own computer. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR BANKSIDE OPENS SPACES SURVEY The Bankside Open Spaces Trust is conducting a survey of the current and potential use and management of 10 local open spaces. They are asking for volunteers to contribute one hour per week to help carry out the survey. To find out more, please contact the Bankside Open Spaces Trust on 020 7261 1009. The survey is funded by The Bankside Business Partnership. ======================================================= [ Quick snippets ] Deisgn Museum Galliano fashion exhibition postponed Surrealism: desire unbound reviewed in New Statesman Will the USA attacks prompt changes to the London Bridge Tower plans? The Observer speculates on strife at the South Bank Centre,6903,552422,00.html Southwark News profiled in the Evening Standard ======================================================= ADVERTISEMENT ------------- Monkey Business - Halo or Horns party Dust off your halo and polish your horns for a night of heavenly hijinks in Covent Garden. Monkey Business, the blind date party with a difference, is back and hotter than ever - Thursday 1 November 2001. If you want to have a great night out with (or without) your mates plus the chance of a little romance then check this out: To advertise in SE1 Direct email [email protected] ======================================================= [ In the London SE1 Forum ] Some of the topics raised in recent discussions on our message board at Tate Tower: what's the latest Cleaner and car parking Bagels and jam factory Mattress for charity Bricklayers' Arms Roundabout - debate continues Plumbers in the Tower Bridge area History of my building (Trinity/Bath/Devonshire House) Parking on Bermondsey Steet St Mary Magdelen, Bermondsey Street Got an opinion you would like to share with the rest of SE1? Visit ======================================================= Enjoyed this issue of SE1 Direct? Know a friend or colleague who'd appreciate our weekly updates? Why not forward this message to them now? Let them know that they can subscribe for themselves at ======================================================= >> C O N T A C T D E T A I L S ======================================================= Bankside Press London SE1 - community site in SE1 - what's on guide SE1 Direct - email news Contributions for the next SE1 Direct email bulletin to [email protected] please. We welcome your comments on any aspect of our website, printed publication and email service. The address is [email protected] SE1 Direct is copyright (c) 2001 Bankside Press ======================================================= >> S U B S C R I P T I O N I N F O R M A T I O N ======================================================= Changing your email address? Send an email to [email protected] stating your old and new addresses, and we'll sort everything out.