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======================================================= [ SE1 Direct ] Issue 80 | 6 May 2002 ======================================================= >> I N T H I S B U L L E T I N ======================================================= * SE1 News and Events * SE1 news from around the Web * In the London SE1 Forum ======================================================= [ SE1 News and Events ] BEHIND THE SCENES AT THE LOCAL STUDIES LIBRARY Tuesday 7 May 7pm at Southwark Local Studies Library, 211 Borough High Street; free An introduction to the Southwark Local Studies Library collection and the library's services with some of the more unusual and interesting items on display. A CELEBRATION OF LOCAL HISTORY Tuesday 7, Thursday 9 & Saturday 11 May - 2-5pm at Florence Nightingale Museum, 2 Lambeth Palace Road; Mon-Fri 10am-5pm (Sat & Sun 11.30am-4.30pm); �4.80 (conc �3.60) A close look at nursing at St Thomas� Hospital and in the local community through film footage. St Thomas� Hospital was moved to its current site and opened in 1871, Florence Nightingale was involved in planning the design of the new building. RESIDENTS' TOURS AT MUSEUM OF GARDEN HISTORY Tuesday 7 to Thursday 9 May 11.30am at Museum of Garden History, Lambeth Road; free Free tour of museum for local residents as part of Local History Week. HOWARD BARKER AT THE CALDER BOOKSHOP Thursday 9 May 6.30pm at the Calder Bookshop, 51 The Cut; �3 (conc �1) One of this country�s foremost contemporary playwrights leads a discussion on the nature and meaning of his work, with actors and directors who have worked on his plays, and readings by Ian McDiarmid and Julia Tarnoky. SOUTH BANK FORUM Thursday 9 May 7pm at the Franklin-Wilkins Building, 150 Stamford St Meeting for residents. SOUTH BANK AND WATERLOO TRAVELLING EXHIBITION Thursday 9 to Saturday 11 May 10am-6pm (Thu 8pm); The Old Vic, The Cut Information on more than 40 proposed projects in the area are available in this exhibition organised by the South Bank Employers' Group and the Waterloo Project Board. ------------------------------------------------------- Send us your news and events - [email protected] ======================================================= [ SE1 news from around the Web ] Every week we trawl the web for news stories and features on SE1 people, places and organisations. Arts-based radio station launches in SE1 (Guardian) Frogmore to split County Hall roundabout site? Thriller on the river - the new City Hall (Observer) Review of live music at Southwark station (Guardian) Southwark Cathedral memorial service for Ben Hollioake Modernism's twin peaks: Matisse Picasso at Tate Modern Champor-Champor in the Evening Standard ------------------------------------------------------- Seen an interesting SE1-related article? Let us know by emailing [email protected] and we'll link to it ======================================================= [ In the London SE1 Forum ] Some of the topics raised in recent discussions on our forum at - Aga Khan's plans - Tai Chi - Clubbing - St John's Churchyard regeneration - Where to hold a party? - Looking for Doctor Faustus on video - SE1 Hair and Beauty, Bermondsey Street - Live Music? - May day marches - Need Nail Salon - Riverside Bus ------------------------------------------------------- Got an opinion you would like to share with the rest of SE1? Visit ======================================================= Enjoyed this issue of SE1 Direct? Know a friend or colleague who'd appreciate our weekly updates? Why not forward this message to them now? Let them know that they can sign up FREE at ======================================================= >> S O U T H B A N K C E N T R E ======================================================= Please remember that there are many more cultural events on offer at the South Bank Centre, the Royal National Theatre and the National Film Theatre that we do not have the resources to cover in our publications. Check out these websites for full details of what's on: ======================================================= >> C O N T A C T D E T A I L S ======================================================= Bankside Press London SE1 - community site in SE1 - what's on guide SE1 Direct - email news Contributions for the next SE1 Direct email bulletin to James Hatts at [email protected] please. We welcome your comments on any aspect of our website, printed publication and email service. The address is [email protected] SE1 Direct is copyright (c) 2002 Bankside Press ======================================================= >> S U B S C R I P T I O N I N F O R M A T I O N ======================================================= Not yet a subscriber? If you received this issue from a friend or colleague, you can sign up at to make sure you don't miss next week's issue. Changing your email address? Send an email to [email protected] stating your old and new addresses, and we'll sort everything out.