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======================================================= [ SE1 Direct ] Issue 136 | 2 June 2003 ======================================================= >> IN THIS BULLETIN ======================================================= * What's on this week * ADVERT: Complete Relocation * June 2003 issue of 'in SE1' * Local news & features from the London SE1 website * Offers of the week from * SE1 news from around the Web * In the London SE1 Forum ======================================================= [ What's on this week ] Our pick of this week's community and cultural events: BOROUGH & BANKSIDE COMMUNITY COUNCIL Wednesday 4 June 7pm at Charles Dickens School, Lant Street This month's meeting will have a particular focus on Traffic and Stransport - David Solman will speak about the Borough Spending Plan and how it relates to Borough & Bankside. Youth provision is also on the agenda, as well as decisions on litter bin placement and tree planting deferred from the last meeting. The full agenda and minutes are available on the Southwark website. MINT STREET CELEBRATION Thursday 5 June 4-7pm at Mint Street Pak, Marshalsea Road; free Brazilian music from Sambura, children's activities, refreshments and information. Everyone who attends will be invited to plant a mint plant. LAUNCH OF ELEPHANT & CASTLE REGENERATION PLANS Friday 6 to Monday 9 June Fri 12 noon-6.30pm; Sat & Mon 10am-6.30pm at the Elephant & Castle Shopping Centre The proposals for the �1bn regeneration of the Elephant and Castle, including a model of the transformed area, will be on display on the first floor of the Shopping Centre. Members of Southwark Council's Regeneration Team will be on hand to explain the plans and answer questions. The display marks the start of the three month public consultation period and feedback is encouraged. THE APOTHECARY: FROM GARDEN TO GARRET - GUIDED WALK Saturday 7 June Meet 2pm at St George's Garden, opposite St George the Martyr Church; contact Old Operating Theatre for price An Apothecary Tour exploring the use of medicinal plants. Starting within the fresh herb garden of St George the Martyr Church, Southwark, there will be a short walk to the oak beamed garret of the old St Thomas' Hospital, where there will be a demonstration of traditional medicinal preparations � of infusions, poultices, pills and tablets. LONDON GARDEN SQUARES DAY Sunday 8 June The following events on Sunday 8 June are all part of London Garden Squares Day. A �5 ticket for all the 98 participating gardens across London is available from 020 7318 9299. A free conducted ride visiting some of the gardens starts from Waterloo Millennium Green at 10am - details from [email protected] WATERLOO GREEN DAY Sunday 8 June 12 noon-4pm at Waterloo Millennium Green, Baylis Road Decorate and plant up flower pots (WCC will give you all the materials you need to decorate and grow your own flower pot and will even show you how to plant and look after it. Come along at anytime, but if you want a flower pot don't leave it too late as places are limited - tickets will be given on entry). Go on a wild flower walk and talk, and have your say about green spaces around the Waterloo area. There will also be face painting, a bouncy castle and a raffle. MERRICK SQUARE ANNUAL GARDEN FETE Sunday 8 June 2pm-5pm at Merrick Square, Trinity Street; �1 Trinity Newington Residents' Association annual event. Stalls, refreshments and music. SOUTHWARK CATHEDRAL CHURCHYARD OPEN DAY Sunday 8 June 2pm-5pm at Southwark Cathedral The East Churchyard herb garden, constructed around the ruins of the medieval Lady Chapel and vault, recalls the Cathedral's past as a monastic foundation and connections with the nearby St Thomas's Hospital herb garret. The South Churchyard has been designed using plants with Shakespearean and biblical resonance. The Millennium Courtyard contains a row of liquid amber trees, under-planted with a mixture of aromatic shrubs. Choral evensong at 3pm. Cream teas in refectory. Education centre activity. Garden leaflet. Guides in gardens all afternoon. GARDEN BARGE SQUARE, MILL STREET Sunday 8 June 2pm-5pm at Reed's Wharf, 33 Mill Street Garden Barge Square is situated at Tower Bridge Moorings. These are historic moorings which date back some 200 years or more. Gardens have been created on some of the barges moored here. As more are added, they will together form an 'inside out' floating garden square, within which other interesting and historic craft are moored. Visitors are strongly advised to wear sensible shoes. They visit the moorings at their own risk. ------------------------------------------------------- Running an event? ======================================================= [ ADVERT: COMPLETE RELOCATION ] AE Executive Support will organise and carry out your house/flat move in its entirety. Email: [email protected] Tel: 020 7738 4906 References available. Web site: ------------------------------------------------------- Get your ad here ======================================================= [ June 2003 issue of 'in SE1' ] The June 2003 issue of our monthly printed news and what's on publication is now being distributed to all the usual locations across the area. Alternatively you can download and print your own copy in Adobe Acrobat format (PDF) from the website at ======================================================= [ Local news & features from the London SE1 website ] The London SE1 website team updates the SE1 news and features throughout the week: THE TERRY AND GABY SHOW MAKES COUNTY HALL DEBUT A new daily TV magazine show to be broadcast from County Hall on the South Bank launches on Monday - just yards away from the studios of ITV's rival This Morning show. ELEPHANT & CASTLE PLANS TO GO ON SHOW The proposals for the �1 billion regeneration of the Elephant and Castle will be unveiled on Friday 6 June at the Elephant and Castle Shopping Centre. GOLDEN HINDE TO SET SAIL FOR SOUTHAMPTON The Golden Hinde, the replica of Sir Francis Drake's famous 16th century warship, will be leaving St Mary Overie Dock this Summer and setting sail for the Southampton Boat Show. CANNONS FIRE OVER ST MARY OVERIE DOCK The BBC has been in Clink Street filming a new history series. COLIN FIRTH FILMING IN LOWER MARSH Colin Firth has been filming in Lower Marsh with market traders hired as extras. INNOVATIVE INSPIRE CENTRE SEEKS IT AND OUTREACH STAFF InSpire, a �1.5m centre for learning, arts and community to be based in the crypt of a church near the Elephant and Castle, is looking for an IT coordinator and an outreach coordinator. BANKSIDE RESTAURANT LAUNCHES BERMONDSEY CHARITY LINK Bankside Restaurant last week held an evening reception to promote Bermondsey-based charity Action for Blind People which it is supporting throughout 2003. ======================================================= [ Offers of the week from ] 2 for 1 matinees at the BFI London Imax Cinema Livebait Waterloo in The Cut - 2 courses �12.95 Chez Gerard South Bank Belvedere Rd - 2 courses �12.50 ======================================================= [ SE1 news from around the Web ] Each week we trawl the web for news and features about SE1 people, places and organisations At home with Wicked's Brian and Caroline Sheridan - Standard Cathedral fights plan for live sex at nearby Wicked - Telegraph Lambeth Palace fox destroys plants at garden museum - Guardian ======================================================= [ In the London SE1 Forum ] Our weekly digest of topics raised in recent discussions at - Elephant regeneration. The saga continues - Strange buildings in SE1 - Unsolicited flyers, junk mail etc. - Wicked - Champor-Champor - Bring back public hangings - Peabody Square - Tabard Gardens - Kids and the Tube - Tower Bridge Lifts - Local open spaces still not ready To read and respond to all these discussions and more, go to: ======================================================= >> CONTACT DETAILS ======================================================= Before sending us event information or press releases, please read this page: Editor: James Hatts - email [email protected] SE1 Direct is copyright (c) 2003 Bankside Press ======================================================= >> SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION ======================================================= Not yet a subscriber? If you received this issue from a friend or colleague, you can sign up at to make sure you don't miss next week's issue. Changing your email address? Send an email to [email protected] stating your old and new addresses and we'll update your account. Want to unsubscribe? Please reply to this message with UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject line and you will be removed within 24 hours. You are subscribed to SE1 Direct as: {EMAIL}