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======================================================= Enjoy this newsletter? Why not forward it to a friend? ======================================================= [ SE1 Direct ] Issue 218 | Tuesday 4 January 2005 ======================================================= >> IN THIS BULLETIN ======================================================= * What's on this week * Advert: South Bank Alexander Centre * Local news from the London SE1 website * Business news from the London SE1 website * Arts reviews from the London SE1 website * Hot topics from the London SE1 Forum ======================================================= [ What's on this week ] Each week we select a few highlights from the community and cultural events taking place over the next seven days. For a more comprehensive what's on guide check out 'in SE1' - our monthly printed publication - see for details. BOROUGH AND BANKSIDE COMMUNITY COUNCIL Wednesday 5 January 7pm at Charles Dickens School, Lant Street Map: Meeting for residents of Cathedrals and Chaucer wards. Representatives from Thames Water will be explaining changes to be made to the water supply in this area. The meeting will be asked to participate in deciding future priorities for tackling crime, drugs and anti-social behaviour in Southwark. Christine Binnie from Sustainable Energy Action will be asking local people how the regeneration of Elephant and Castle affects them. More info: ST HUGH'S SALE SHOP Wednesday 5 January 10am-2pm at The Rainbow Building, 32 Crosby Row Map: The weekly jumble sale resumes after the Christmas break. Pick up books, toys, games, clothes, linens, and kitchenware all at very low prices. Bring along�and donate your unwanted clutter. Plus drop-in social�- free teas and biscuits. Tables available by arrangement for selling your own stuff. More info from 020 7403 9683 or [email protected] FAMOUS WOMEN FROM THE STORY OF MEDICINE Saturday 8 & Sunday 9 January 1am, 12 noon, 1pm and 2pm at the Florence Nightingale Museum, 2 Lambeth Palace Road Map: Women other than Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole played an important role in medical history! Meet other women who did their bit. Elizabeth Garret Anderson, who was the first woman in England to qualify as a doctor against all odds and Marie Curie, arguably the most famous female scientist in the world and the discoverer of radium, a pioneering treatment for cancer! Performances suitable for all the family. Marie Curie performs on Saturday and Elizabeth Garret Anderson performs on Sunday. Trails and prizes are available all weekend. Special discounts for Southwark and Lambeth families: 20% off family tickets (2 adults and up to 5 children) ======================================================= Running an event? ======================================================= [ Advert: South Bank Alexander Centre ] Ready for change? Lighten your life with the Alexander Technique. South Bank Alexander Centre [email protected] 020 7928 6378 ======================================================= Get your ad here ======================================================= [ Local news from the London SE1 website ] The London SE1 website team produces updated local news throughout the week. ALL EYES ON THE SOUTH BANK FOR THE START OF 2005 London saw in 2005 with a �1 million fireworks display at the London Eye. Before midnight a silence was observed for victims of the Asian Tsunami disaster. ARCHBISHOP SPEAKS TO THE NATION FROM TATE MODERN Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams has delivered his televised New Year message from the Shrinking Childhoods exhibition on the south lawn of Tate Modern. KNIGHTHOOD FOR SE1 HOSPITALS' BOSS Dr Jonathan Michael, chief executive of Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, leads the list of SE1 figures recognised in the New Year's Honours List. ======================================================= [ Business news from the London SE1 website ] LONDON TOWN SELLS HOPTON STREET SITE London Town announced on Thursday that it had exchanged unconditional contracts for the sale of its site at Hopton Street for �10.8 million, though the buyer was not disclosed. ======================================================= [ Arts reviews from the London SE1 website ] ALADDIN AT THE OLD VIC Ian McKellan flounced on to the stage as Widow Twankey to a resounding ovation from an audience thoroughly on board for a bit of Christmas silliness. ======================================================= [ Hot topics from the London SE1 Forum ] Our weekly digest of topics raised in recent discussions at - Fame Academy comes to SE1?! (and now X Factor too?) - Bogus charity collector - river walkway - Twelfth Night: 400 or 500 people on Bankside - Siu's Noodle House - SE1's Lost Cinemas - Spa Development - Fire in tower - Yoga? - Tsunami aid distribution point - Dunton Road - New development in Salamanca Place - Plumber To read and respond to all these discussions and more, go to: Please note that you need to register separately for the London SE1 Forum - your login details for this email newsletter (shown below) will NOT work on the forum. ======================================================= >> CONTACT DETAILS ======================================================= Before sending us event information or press releases, please read this page: Editor: James Hatts - [email protected] SE1 Direct is copyright (c) 2005 Bankside Press ======================================================= >> SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION ======================================================= - WANT TO UNSUBSCRIBE? - CHANGING YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS? 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