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======================================================= Enjoy this newsletter? Why not forward it to a friend? ======================================================= [ SE1 Direct ] Issue 221 | Monday 24 January 2005 ======================================================= >> IN THIS BULLETIN ======================================================= * What's on this week * Advert: South Bank Alexander Centre * February 2005 issue of 'in SE1' * Local news from the London SE1 website * Features from the London SE1 website * Hot topics from the London SE1 Forum ======================================================= [ What's on this week ] Each week we select a few highlights from the community and cultural events taking place over the next seven days. For a more comprehensive what's on guide check out 'in SE1' - our monthly printed publication - see for details. �6 TICKET OFFER FOR THE TEMPEST AT SOUTHWARK PLAYHOUSE Tuesday 25 January to Saturday 12 February 7.30pm at Southwark Playhouse, 5 Playhouse Court, 62 Southwark Bridge Road; �12 (conc �8) all tickets �6 on Mondays. Box Office: 020 7620 3494 Map: Shakespeare's play of thunder and lightning, sea and storms, love, treachery and illusion - all brought magically to life in a powerful, 90-minute version accessible to young and old alike. Directed by Tom Wright and designed by Jon Bausor. EXCLUSIVE SE1 DIRECT READER OFFER All tickets �6 for the performances on Tuesday 25, Friday 28 & Saturday 29 January. Call 020 7620 3494 and quote TEMPEST. JUBILEE GARDENS CONSULTATION EVENTS Tuesday 25 and Thursday 27 January Tuesday 5.30pm-7.30pm at Living Space, Waterloo Road Map: Thursday 5.30pm-7.30pm at Waterloo Action Centre, Baylis Road Map: Have your say on proposals for relandscaping and improvements to Jubilee Gardens, an important riverside green space. Results of research into what residents and others users want, latest design brief, cultural events programme and policy and initial proposals for a Jubilee Gardens Trust. CHARTERHOUSE-IN-SOUTHWARK OPEN DAY Wednesday 26 January 2pm-7pm at the Rainbow Building, 32 Crosby Row Map: As part of its 120th anniversary celebrations Charterhouse is opening its doors to local people and supporters on Wednesday for a day of dance, poetry and music. The programme of activities includes tea dances, children's arts and crafts, Salsa, Irish and Indian classical dance. Refreshments will be on offer at the Social Space from 2pm and the Young People's Centre from 4pm. Around 600 people use Charterhouse's facilities each week. WATERLOO TIME BANK ALMOST NEW YEAR PARTY Wednesday 26 January 4pm-7pm at The Cut Community Hall, 106 The Cut Map: A Time Bank deals with an alternative currency - time instead of money. For every hour you spend helping someone, you are entitled to a hour's help in return. It is about people helping each other and sharing skills. The services the Waterloo Time Bank offers are wide and varied: conversational English, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, gardening and more. The Waterloo Time Bank believes everyone has skills, talents, experiences which go unrecognised and un-rewarded, so please do not hide your talents. Bring a friend and introduce them to the Waterloo Time Bank. Children welcome. Food and drink, raffle and quiz. RSVP to Lorraine 020 7401 2691 or [email protected] SPILLING THE BEANS: LETTERS FROM EAST HAM VICARAGE Sunday 30 January 3.30pm at Southwark Playhouse, 62 Southwark Bridge Road; �5 (conc �4) from 020 8671 8037 or on the doors Map: Lisa Wright was a drama teacher in a large inner-city comprehensive for more than thirty years before becoming a Church of England priest. In September 1953 she set off fresh from college to teach in the USA. Her mother Margot wrote to her every week for two and a half years. Come and spend a happy hour hearing these racy, vivid, candid tales. Parish life and vicarage life of fifty years ago and an East End social scene gone forever. As seen at last year's Edinburgh Festival. ECUMENICAL THOMAS MASS AT SOUTHWARK CATHEDRAL Sunday 30 January 6.30pm at Southwark Cathedral, London Bridge Map: The Thomas Mass is a form of the Eucharist which seeks to reach out to those who doubt, those who have no belief but want to know more and those who believe but are still on their journey of faith. Whilst following the usual order, the service is intended to allow more time for contemplation, reflection and prayer and depends for its success on the participation of the congregation. This is an ecumenical event with the congregations of the Norwegian, Finnish, and Swedish Churches in London and of St George's Roman Catholic Cathedral Southwark. Celebrant: Fr Helge Pettersson. Preacher: Fr Phillip Nelson, chaplain to Digby Stuart College. ======================================================= Running an event? ======================================================= [ Advert: South Bank Alexander Centre ] Ready for change? Lighten your life with the Alexander Technique. South Bank Alexander Centre [email protected] 020 7928 6378 ======================================================= Get your ad here ======================================================= [ February 2005 issue of 'in SE1' ] The February issue of our monthly printed what's on guide, 'in SE1', goes to press midweek. If you are organising an event in SE1 during February this is a last call for listings information to be sent to [email protected] To place an advert call 020 7633 0766 or email [email protected] ASAP! ======================================================= [ Local news from the London SE1 website ] The London SE1 website team produces updated local news throughout the week. MICHAEL HOWARD VISITS TRAINING CENTRE Conservative Party leader Michael Howard came to Southwark on Thursday morning to meet staff and clients at the Gateway Training Centre in Lancaster Street. CASH FOR ESSENTIAL CATHEDRAL REPAIRS SE1's two cathedrals have been awarded grants of �31,000 by English Heritage to enable essential work to take place as part of the �1 million of grants for repairs to cathedrals in England. LOTTERY BOOST FOR FIRE BRIGADE MUSEUM The London Fire Brigade Museum in Southwark Bridge Road will be mounting an exhibition to celebrate the part played by those on the home front during WWII thanks to a �10,000 grant from the Big Lottery Fund. NEW BISHOP OF WOOLWICH RETURNS TO BOROUGH HIGH STREET The Venerable Christopher Chessun - who worked in a Borough High Street solicitors' office 30 years ago - has been appointed Area Bishop of Woolwich. TFL PROMISES BETTER CYCLE SAFETY ON LONDON'S BRIDGES A new road layout for cyclists is to be introduced on Blackfriars Bridge in response to the death of Vicki McCreery in May 2004. ======================================================= [ Features from the London SE1 website ] COMMUNITY SPIRIT AT THE OLD VIC Over 120 children from Lambeth schools packed into the Old Vic on a mid-January Saturday for face-painting, drama workshops, storytelling, magic tricks and a special performance of Aladdin. FW EVANS BIKE JOINS MUSEUM COLLECTION An Evans bicycle purchased in Kennington Road in 1929 is the newest vehicle to join the collection at London's Transport Museum. TATE MODERN HOSTS CARE NVQ RECEPTION Tate Modern last week hosted an open evening in conjunction with Walthamstow-based NVQ assessment centre QKL to promote awareness of its joint programme linking art with the NVQ in Care. ZANDRA RHODES TO HOLD MY FAVOURITE DRESS BALL Zandra Rhodes has unveiled ambitious plans to help raise more than �100,000 for the Rainbow Trust children's charity and the Fashion and Textile Museum by staging a grand ball. TROPICANA EXTENDED TILL JUNE Tropicana - the site-specific performance by SHUNT below London Bridge Station - has been extended to 25 June with five performances a week. ======================================================= [ Hot topics from the London SE1 Forum ] Our weekly digest of topics raised in recent discussions at - Symington House, Deverell Street - Good food in Waterloo Road - Rare postboxes - The London Scotia Bar - Elephant refurb... - Pianos - Jubilee Gardens Consultation - Badminton clubs - "Shard of glass" - London Bridge Tower - Waterloo Bridge stairs - "Into" Southwark - Architecture Foundation: pointy metal building... - Demise of public loos - South Bank Forum takes up SE1 Postal Campaign - Caterer in SE1 - Photography Lessons - Any witnesses to car accident on Tanner Street? - Nurseries in Bermondsey - Tabard Square - More Hartley........ - TAS Borough High Street To read and respond to all these discussions and more, go to: Please note that you need to register separately for the London SE1 Forum - your login details for this email newsletter (shown below) will NOT work on the forum. ======================================================= >> CONTACT DETAILS ======================================================= Before sending us event information or press releases, please read this page: Editor: James Hatts - [email protected] SE1 Direct is copyright (c) 2005 Bankside Press ======================================================= >> SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION ======================================================= - WANT TO UNSUBSCRIBE? - CHANGING YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS? 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