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======================================================= Enjoy this newsletter? Why not forward it to a friend? ======================================================= [ SE1 Direct ] Issue 234 | Monday 25 April 2005 ======================================================= >> IN THIS BULLETIN ======================================================= * What's on this week * _YOUR_ message could be here - scroll down for info * Local news from the London SE1 website * Business news from the London SE1 website * Features from the London SE1 website * Hot topics from the London SE1 Forum ======================================================= [ What's on this week ] Each week we select a few highlights from the community and cultural events taking place over the next seven days. For a more comprehensive what's on guide check out 'in SE1' - our monthly printed publication - see for details. VAUXHALL CONSTITUENCY CANDIDATES TRANSPORT MEETING Monday 25 April 7.30pm-9pm at St Peters Heritage Centre, Kennington Lane, Vauxhall Candidates standing in the Vauxhall constituency will debate sustainable transport issues at an event organised by Lambeth Cyclists, the Lambeth branch of the London Cycling Campaign. Candidates will be asked questions on a range of issues concerned with sustainable transport includng the congestion charge, public transport, urban development, and how to encourage more cycling. Lambeth Cyclists' Borough Coordinator Philip Loy commented "we have invited all the candidates to what we hope will be a lively, interesting and informative question time." He added "We chose the Vauxhall constituency because it has one of the lowest rates of car ownership in the UK (45% of people own a car) but our lives are dominated by major roads and traffic junctions such as at Vauxhall Cross. In addition the constituency is affected by the Congestion Charge zone which may be extended in the next few years so we want to here the candidates' views on these and other issues." PARKING IN NORTH LAMBETH STREETS Thursday 28 April 5.30pm primarily for business issues 6.30pm primarily for residents' issues at the Redfearn Centre, 329 Kennington Lane, SE11 Map: Local residents and businesses are invited to a meeting to discuss any concerns you may have about parking in North Lambeth streets. Chaired by Councillor Charles Anglin, North Lambeth Area Committee chair. There will be a presentation of the Draft Parking Charter by head of parking Kay English. Also in attendance will be Councillor Andrew Sawdon, Executive Member for Environment and Regeneration and Tim Jackson, Assistant Director, Environment Directorate. This meeting has been organised by the North Lambeth Town Centre Office. LONDON GLASSBLOWING OPEN HOUSE & SPRING SALE Friday 29, Saturday 30 April & Sunday 1 May 11am-4pm at the London Glassblowing Workshop, 7 The Leathermarket, Weston Street; free Map: Demonstrations, bargains and an exhibition of new work by Layne Rowe. ENGAGE: BATTLE AT THE MENIER CHOCOLATE FACTORY Friday 29 April 6.30pm at the Menier Chocolate Factory, 51-53 Southwark Street; free Map: Chaired by Michael Billington. Leading playwrights duel with each other to persuade the audience that their chosen dramatist is the greatest of all time. You decide who wins. TOWER BRIDGE CLOSURE Saturday 30 April to Sunday 8 May Tower Bridge will be closed to traffic in both directions 24 hours a day from 6am on Saturday as it undergoes structural maintenance to its road. BOOK SALE AT SOUTHWARK CATHEDRAL Saturday 30 April 11am-4pm outside the cathedral (on the Borough Market side). Map: Friends of Southwark Cathedral book sale RANDOM HUGGERS DAY ON THE SOUTH BANK Sunday 1 May 11am-2pm on the South Bank between the London Eye and Waterloo Bridge Map: Visitors to the South Bank will be offered a free hug this Sunday. The idea for Random Huggers Day originated when Mayella Reynolds was listening to Nick Ferrari on LBC 97.3 one morning in November 2003. Nick said: "It seems you can find random terrorists on the streets - why don't we find random huggers?" Mayella says: "It really tickled me to think of a group of people offering hugs in the streets of London. We can all do with a hug! So I contacted a few friends and we got together to create Random Huggers Day. It was really that simple." MAY DAY: DEPTFORD JACK-IN-THE-GREEN TOURS THE BOROUGH Sunday 1 May The Fowler's Troop Jack in the Green was revived by members of Blackheath Morris Men and friends in the early 1980s. The first revival Jack was a replica of a Jack from about 1910 which was taken out around Deptford, South East London on May Day by the original Fowler's Troop. 12.30pm: Leave from the Horseshoe Inn, Melior Street, 1pm: The Royal Oak, Tabard Street, 1.30pm: The Lord Clyde, Clennam Street 2pm: Founders Arms, Bankside 3.45pm: The Market Porter, Stoney Street 4.30pm: The Horseshoe Inn, Melior Street, ======================================================= Running an event? ======================================================= [ YOUR message could be here ] SE1 Direct is a cost-effective way to reach SE1 people. Get your message in front of 4000+ people next Monday. An advert in SE1 Direct costs just �20. Visit for details. Our Spring/Summer schedule is filling up fast, so book now! ======================================================= [ Local news from the London SE1 website ] Remember you don't have to wait till SE1 Direct drops into your mailbox to get a local news fix. The London SE1 website offers the latest news throughout the week. LABOUR HOLDS WORLD POVERTY RALLY AT THE OLD VIC Former US president Bill Clinton appeared at the Old Vic on Sunday afternoon - taking part in a Labour election rally to mark World Poverty Day via satellite link from New York. IN PICTURES: ST GEORGE'S DAY AND SHAKESPEARE'S BIRTHDAY St George's Day and Shakespeare's Birthday were celebrated in Southwark with a range of events centred around Shakespeare's Globe. IN PICTURES: MILLENNIUM FLAME COMES TO SOUTHWARK The Millennium Flame arrived by boat at Bankside Pier on Saturday morning and was carried in procession to Southwark Cathedral where it will be kept for a year and a day. 40 YEARS OF THE ELEPHANT'S SHOPPING CENTRE A week of celebrations marking the 40th anniversary of the Elephant and Castle Shopping Centre ended in high tension as a crowd gathered to watch the prize draw for a car. WELCOME FOR NEW AREA BISHOP North Southwark's new Anglican area bishop was consecrated by the Archbishop of Canterbury at Southwark Cathedral on Thursday. DIGIVAN III HITS THE STREETS OF SE1 Bankside was the setting for Thursday's launch of the Peabody Trust's latest Digivan, a mobile IT centre that will visit Peabody estates across SE1 as well as local job centres. ELEPHANT REGENERATION BIDDERS NAMED The regeneration of the Elephant and Castle has moved a step closer with Southwark Council naming the eight consortia bidding to be the authority's commercial partner. ACCIDENT BLACKSPOTS REVEALED Two of London's worst traffic accident blackspots are in SE1, according to a new league table. MAYOR CONSULTS ON PROTECTING LONDON'S RIVER VIEWS The future protection of views across the river is set out in a new draft document from the GLA - and the Mayor of London is inviting comments from the public. 18 COMMUNITY PROJECTS SHARE GBP30,000 18 community groups in and around the Pool of London have been granted up to GBP2000 each to run a wide variety of projects which will make a real difference to the area. ======================================================= [ Business news from the London SE1 website ] GBP 500 PRIZE FOR SE1 ENTREPRENEUR SE1 resident Mark Champkins was named the runner-up in the Shell LiveWIRE Young Entrepreneurs of the Year awards for London South Central. ======================================================= [ Features from the London SE1 website ] SAMPLING THE ENGLISH MAID'S NEW COFFEE SHOP The English Maid on the Albert Embankment is a beautiful, not to mention delicious, example of how the British can turn something meant for ill into something great. SHAKESPEARE ROUGH GUIDE LAUNCHED AT GLOBE The Rough Guide to Shakespeare has been launched with a party at Shakespeare's Globe. BOROUGH MARKET STALLS OPENING ON THURSDAYS At least ten Borough Market traders are now opening on Thursdays in addition to Fridays and Saturdays. ======================================================= [ Hot topics from the London SE1 Forum ] Our weekly digest of topics raised in recent discussions at - Potters Fields Park - Who's at the next table in the Royal Oak? - Jumble and stuff - Mayor consults on protecting London's river views - Garden centre in SE1 - Old Thameside Inn, Clink St - Tower Bridge Closure - Ex Borough Community Centre - Simon the Tanner - latest - Tax Accountant - Wild's Rents/Long Lane - All Hallows Church: the Dean of Southwark responds - New tool in stopping Berkeley Homes? - Black and Blue - new restaurant - Expert dry cleaners - Street Drinkers in Flat Iron Square To read and respond to all these discussions and more, go to: Please note that you need to register separately for the London SE1 Forum - your login details for this email newsletter (shown below) will NOT work on the forum. ======================================================= >> CONTACT DETAILS ======================================================= Before sending us event information or press releases, please read this page: Editor: James Hatts - [email protected] SE1 Direct is copyright (c) 2005 Bankside Press ======================================================= >> SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION ======================================================= - WANT TO UNSUBSCRIBE? - CHANGING YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS? 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