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======================================================= * Spread the word about SE1 Direct to your neighbours * ======================================================= [ SE1 Direct ] Issue 258 | Wednesday 19 October 2005 Apologies for the late arrival of this week's edition - this is due to a hard disk failure on the machine used to compile this newsletter. Fortunately all the data has been recovered. Phew! ======================================================= >> IN THIS BULLETIN ======================================================= * What's on this week * Advert: It's time to fill in your Tax Return! * Local news from the London SE1 website * Local business news from the London SE1 website * Features from the London SE1 website * Arts reviews from the London SE1 website * Hot topics from the London SE1 Forum ======================================================= [ What's on this week ] Each week we select a few highlights from the community and cultural events taking place over the next seven days. For a more comprehensive what's on guide check out 'in SE1' - our monthly printed publication - see for details. SOUTHWARK JOBS & LEARNING FAIR Wednesday 19 October 10am to 5pm at The Arc, London South Bank University, Keyworth Street Map: Into Employment, Education and Training Network Day. Dozens of opportunities and lots of local employers. Jobs, training, advice. Information: 020 7358 4160 HARVEST FESTIVAL AT THE DIVERSITY GARDEN Friday 21 October 3.30pm-5.30pm at The Diversity Garden on Library Street and King James Street, off Borough Road Map: Children�s groups and community groups have been participating in vegetable growing with Bankside Open Spaces Trust over the last six months. To celebrate their achievements we are planning an exciting Harvest Festival community event at the Diversity Garden. There will be lots of exciting arts and crafts activities, face painting, a kitchen herb giveaway, a plant sale, guess the weight of the pumpkins competition (that have been grown at the garden!) snacks will also be served. Please bring a cultural dish to share. All are welcome to this free event we hope you will come to support the hard work of the community and share in this celebration. Please note that children must be accompanied by an adult. Information: 020 7928 5803, [email protected] EMPIRE - WARHOL FILM PROJECTED ONTO NATIONAL THEATRE Fridays 21 & 28 October 5pm-1am at the National Theatre, South Bank; free Map: Andy Warhol�s epic 1964 film has its UK premiere as part of the Hayward�s new exhibition, projected on to the exterior of the National Theatre. One stationary shot of the Empire State Building. SATURDAY FAMILY GARDENING AT THE DIVERSITY GARDEN Saturday 22 October 10am-2pm at The Diversity Garden on Library Street and King James Street, off Borough Road Map: A free drop-in family gardening session for children of all ages with their families. Come along and participate in gardening and environmentally themed practical activities. Collect seeds from the garden and make and decorate your own seed packets. Join in with seasonal Halloween themed arts and crafts activities in the garden. Look after the Diversity garden by weeding, digging and harvesting. Thirsty plants will need watering! Decorate a pot and plant flower bulbs to take home. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Information: 020 7928 5803, [email protected] TABLE TOP SALE AT ST MATTHEW'S-AT-THE-ELEPHANT Saturday 22 October 11am-2pm at St Matthew's, Meadow Row; admission 20p Map: OCTOBER PLENTY WITH THE LIONS PART Sunday 23 October 12 noon on Bankside Map: An Autumn Harvest Celebration beginning on Bankside by Shakespeare�s Globe, mixing ancient seasonal customs and theatre with contemporary festivity, joining with Borough Market. A huge Corn Queene effigy heavy with �plenty� - wheat, barley and other grains, and apples, root vegetables and foliage will appear in a procession around the front of the Globe, Bankside, with the Company of actors, music, the time- honoured hobby horse, strung with cakes and loaves and the berry man - an autumn incarnation of the original green man - decked with wild fruits and foliage leads the company. The crowd processes through the streets to Borough Market. There in the Green Market, savour the delights on offer: soul cakes, conker fights, cider from the New Forest, apple bobbing, a great beer selection and the wonderful market stalls and more dancing. The Company performs Fastnachtsspiele or Nonsensenightplays. Vibrant old tales of pastoral life, these ebullient 16th-century verse plays by Hans Sachs are rarely performed. Witness them today in new translation for the occasion, spiced with present day festive spirit and song. Apples cascade out into the crowd as the Corn Queene is opened up at the end of the play and this is followed by the celebrated Execution of John Barleycorn. A glade of young English apple trees creates a space for children to gather. There they can re-clothe the trees with green wishes (paper apples) and listen to stories about apples, markets and harvest time. There is tasting of old apple types from London by Brogdale Horticultural Trust and a colourful display created by Roots and Shoots, the Lambeth community gardens project who created the Corn Queene. ======================================================= Running an event? ======================================================= [ Advert: It's time to fill in your Tax Return! ] * Do you need help with your Tax Returns? * Do you need any Tax Advice? * Are you starting up a new Business? * Do you need help with your Bookkeeping, VAT returns or Payroll? Help is right at Hand! We offer a comprehensive range of accountancy and tax services and now able to offer free new business starter kits for start up�s. You can subscribe to our monthly FREE electronic tax newsletter online at our website Elan & Co, Unit 3 Cedar Court 1 Royal Oak Yard SE1 3GA Ph: 020 7403 1500, [email protected] We are located near London Bridge, just off Bermondsey Street. ------------------------------------------------------- Get your ad here ======================================================= [ Local news from the London SE1 website ] Remember you don't have to wait till SE1 Direct drops into your mailbox to get a local news fix. The London SE1 website offers the latest news throughout the week. SUMNER STREET SEXUAL ASSAULT: POLICE APPEAL FOR WITNESSES Police are appealing for any witnesses or information concerning a sexual assault in Sumner Buildings on Bankside's Sumner Street on Thursday 29 September. FIREARMS SIEZED FROM CHILD'S BEDROOM AT THE ELEPHANT Detectives from Trident seized five firearms and a large quantity of ammunition during a raid at an address in Gaywood Street off St George's Road on Tuesday morning. CAN YOU IDENTIFY BLACKFRIARS BRIDGE MYSTERY MAN? Police are appealing for help in identifying a man who is thought to have jumped from Blackfriars Bridge on Friday 9 September RESIDENTS PROPOSE RE-ROUTING OF THAMESLINK TO SAVE BOROUGH MARKET Objections by SE1 residents to the routing of the Thameslink 200 scheme through Borough Market are due to be heard at the public inquiry. KEEP WATERLOO INTERNATIONAL FOR DOMESTIC RAIL USE - REPORT A government report recommends that the international terminal be retained for use by domestic rail services after Eurostar's move to St Pancras in 2007. POTTERS FIELDS: ENGLISH HERITAGE THREATENS LEGAL CHALLENGE The Potters Fields saga took a dramatic turn on Friday when English Heritage threatened a legal challenge against the planning inspector's report. WHAT NEXT FOR POTTERS FIELDS? Southwark Council and Berkeley Homes have issued a joint statement about the way forward for the Potters Fields coach park site. 48-STOREY DOON STREET TOWER: FIRST IMAGES Coin Street Community Builders has released the first images of its proposed 48-storey development on Upper Ground, just behind the National Theatre. SOUTHWARK TENANTS GATHER AT GLAZIERS HALL More than 150 Southwark council tenants gathered at Glaziers Hall by London Bridge on Saturday for their seventh annual conference. This years's theme was 'Back to the Future � Has our housing service improved?' CHARLES DICKENS HEADTEACHER IS "GENIUS" SAYS JAMIE OLIVER Liz Owens is "nothing short of a genius", said TV chef Jamie Oliver of the Charles Dickens Primary School headteacher, who was named 'teacher of the year' at the Pride of Britain Awards this week. ======================================================= [ Local business news from the London SE1 website ] News for and about local companies big and small: VOTING UNDERWAY FOR LONDON BRIDGE BID The London Bridge Business Improvement District ballot has been launched with a reception attended by more than a hundred business representatives at Cotton's Atrium. ======================================================= [ Features from the London SE1 website ] WALLACE AND GROMIT CHEESE ON SALE IN BOROUGH MARKET One of the few places where Wallace and Gromit's new favourite cheese can be bought is Borough Market. MORE4 CHAT SHOW MAKES COUNTY HALL DEBUT If you see a motorcycle courier rushing from County Hall on the South Bank to Horseferry Road in Westminster, they're probably carrying the tape of More4's nightly topical chat show The Last Word. FAIR PLAY TROPHIES UP FOR GRABS Pupils at Charlotte Sharman School at the Elephant got a preview of one of the trophies up for grabs next month at the Ministry of Sound during the closing ceremony of Southwark Community Games. ======================================================= [ Arts reviews from the London SE1 website ] LAWRENCE OF ARABIA: THE LIFE, THE LEGEND AT THE IMPERIAL WAR MUSEUM Lawrence of Arabia died seventy years ago in a freak accident on an almost deserted road. The Imperial War Museum exhibition recalls his exploits and reveals a link to the current situation in Iraq. WHAT WE DID TO WEINSTEIN AT THE MENIER CHOCOLATE FACTORY This dark comedy written by Ryan Craig has a variety of themes including coming of age, religion, cultural displacement and war. FLOGGING THE JEWELS AT THE NATIONAL THEATRE Flogging the Jewels is an exhibition marking the 30th anniversary of Sphinx theatre company (formerly ======================================================= [ Hot topics from the London SE1 Forum ] Our weekly digest of topics raised in recent discussions at - Bermondsey and the Blitz - Runners club in Bermondsey/SE1? - Cameras on Tower Bridge - Bermondsey history - Secondary Glazing - Violent activities at Mint Street Park - Live Music in SE1 - Art gallery 67 - Newcomen St - Potters Fields - Bermondsey Spa Park - New Year & Frost Fair - Coin Street's plan for 48-storey tower - Tabard Square - Bus Stop changes hands again - A sublime and labyrinthine landscape... - Southwark Council terminates TMC - Nurseries in SE1 - Clothes alterations - Driscoll House, New Kent Road - The White Hart * Please note that you need to register separately for the London SE1 Forum - your login details for this email newsletter (shown below) will NOT work on the forum. * To read and respond to all these discussions and more, go to: ======================================================= >> CONTACT DETAILS ======================================================= Before sending us event information or press releases, please read this page: Editor: James Hatts - [email protected] SE1 Direct is copyright (c) 2005 Bankside Press ======================================================= >> SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION ======================================================= - WANT TO UNSUBSCRIBE? - CHANGING YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS? 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