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============================================================ [ SE1 Direct ] Issue 263 Monday 21 November 2005 ============================================================ >> IN THIS BULLETIN ============================================================ * What's on this week * Advert: It's time to fill in your Tax Return! * Local news from the London SE1 website * Final call: December issue of 'in SE1' * Local business news from the London SE1 website * Features from the London SE1 website * Arts reviews from the London SE1 website * Hot topics from the London SE1 Forum =========================================================== [ What's on this week ] Each week we select a few highlights from the community and cultural events taking place over the next seven days. For a more comprehensive what's on guide check out 'in SE1' - our monthly printed publication - see for details. BOROUGH AND BANKSIDE COMMUNITY COUNCIL Monday 21 November 7pm at the Cathedral School of St Saviour & St Mary Overie, Redcross Way Map: The first meeting of Borough and Bankside Community Council since July, and the first since the controversial resignation of Cllr Catriona Moore. Meeting for residents of Cathedrals and Chaucer Wards. On the agenda: Chris Moxon from the Unicorn Theatre will talk about their programme for the coming year and offers available to Southwark residents. Tim England will talk about the developments at the Old Kent Road waste management site and its impact on services in Borough and Bankside. Planning: Paul Evans will debate the SPD scoping document and update the Community Council on the progress of key schemes. Members are asked to approve t two local parking schemes. Members are asked to consider the use of Cleaner Greener Safer contingency funds for works in Hankey Place Gardens. FIRE SAFETY TALK AND CHIP PAN FIRE DEMONSTRATION Wednesday 23 November 11am-2pm at Bermondsey Village Hall, Leathermarket Gardens Map: Soup and bread, tea and coffee available. Organised by Blackfriars Settlement. CHRISTMAS FAIR AT ST GEORGE'S CATHEDRAL Saturday 26 November 1pm at Amigo Hall, St George's RC Cathedral, Lambeth Road Map: Books, food, gifts and raffle. CHRISTMAS FAIR AT THE MENIER CHOCOLATE FACTORY Saturday 26 November 11am-6pm at the Menier Chocolate Factory, 51-53 Southwark Street; �2 (child free) Map: Ceramics, textiles, photographs, prints, cards and festive decorations by artists supporting the work of the charity, Paintings in Hospitals. Raffle with prizes including a Borough Market Hamper, Seurat goodies from the Chicago Art Institute and an artwork by Bridget Bailey, Lucy Casson, Sarah Chamberlain, Bernard Lodge, Anne Lynch, Angela McGahan, Liz and Mario Minchiello and Russell Walker. Face Painting and fun art activities for children. LONDON GLASSBLOWING - CHRISTMAS OPEN STUDIO AND SALE Saturday 26 November to Sunday 4 December Daily 11am-5pm at London Glassblowing Workshop, 7 The Leather Market, Weston Street Map: Playing with Light is the theme for this year's Christmas Open House and Sale. It is also the theme of a series of Ikebana demonstrations that will take place throughout the period of the Christmas Sale. Extraordinary shapes, colours and bargains can be found at this annual events. RARE READINGS: THE INVENTION OF KINGS Sunday 27 November 6pm (doors open 5pm) at The Pit, Old Vic Theatre, Waterloo Road; free (donations welcome) Map: Rehearsed reading of a new anarchic comedy of ideas by Perri Snowdon. Looking ahead to next week: ELEFEST 2005 - FILM FESTIVAL AT THE ELEPHANT & CASTLE 28 November to 3 December Elephant and Castle's free festival of film and multimedia, returns for a third successive year next Monday. Launched as a platform from which to champion local film and video artists as well as to celebrate the cultural wealth of the area, Elefest is beginning to solidify a reputation for creating a programme of work that emphasises the diversity of the art form and for giving budding directors and film artists the opportunity to screen their work for the first time in public. Films produced by homegrown talent sit alongside international work from Ireland to Columbia, and highlight the variety of programming from much applauded renowned features to new shorts. More programme details in next week's SE1 Direct, or see ------------------------------------------------------------ Running an event? ============================================================ [ Advert: It's time to fill in your Tax Return! ] * Do you need help with your Tax Returns? * Do you need any Tax Advice? * Are you starting up a new Business? * Do you need help with your Bookkeeping, VAT returns or Payroll? Help is right at Hand! We offer a comprehensive range of accountancy and tax services and now able to offer free new business starter kits for start ups. You can subscribe to our monthly FREE electronic tax newsletter online at our website Elan & Co, Unit 3 Cedar Court 1 Royal Oak Yard SE1 3GA Ph: 020 7403 1500, [email protected] We are located near London Bridge, just off Bermondsey Street. ------------------------------------------------------------ Book your ad now: ============================================================ [ Local news from the London SE1 website ] Remember you don't have to wait till SE1 Direct drops into your mailbox to get a local news fix. The London SE1 website offers the latest news throughout the week. BOROUGH MARKET TO LAUNCH FOOD SCHOOL Children from Charles Dickens Primary School were on hand on Thursday to help launch Borough Market's GBP 250k fundraising campaign to create the UK's biggest food classroom. FOUNDER'S PLACE PLANNING MEETING ABANDONED The Lambeth Planning Committee meeting to discuss the Founder's Place development suddenly closed on Thursday without the application being discussed. WATERLOO TENANTS JOIN GENERAL SYNOD PROTEST Tenants of Church Commissioners properties fighting sell-off plans staged a protest outside Church House in Westminster on Wednesday as members of General Synod gathered. HOTEL OWNER FINED GBP 16,000 FOR BREACHING FOOD HYGIENE REGULATIONS The former proprietor of the Driscoll House Hotel on the New Kent Road was ordered to pay fines totalling GBP 16,000 at Camberwell Green Magistrates Court last week. ============================================================ [ Final call: December issue of 'in SE1' ] The December issue of our monthly printed what's on guide, 'in SE1' - - goes to press this week. If you're organising a local event in December or early January, please send details ASAP to [email protected] And it's not too late to advertise your business and any festive special offers you may be running. Call 020 7633 0766 or email [email protected] now to discuss the possibilities. ============================================================ [ Local business news from the London SE1 website ] Our business section offers news for and about local companies big and small. ANOTHER MAJOR DEVELOPMENT ON BLACKFRIARS ROAD The northern end of Blackfriars Road is set for further change with Great Portland Estates purchasing 231 and 235/241 Blackfriars Road for GBP 11 million with plans for redevelopment. LONDON BRIDGE-BASED LEISURE FIRM WINS SOCIAL ENTERPRISE AWARD Greenwich Leisure was named on Thursday as the overall winner of this year's Enterprising Solutions Awards run by the Social Enterprise Coalition at a ceremony at Waterloo's IMAX cinema. BUSINESSES VOTE TO APPROVE LONDON BRIDGE BID The proposal to introduce a Business Improvement District (BID) in the area between London Bridge and Tower Bridge has been given a strong seal of approval in a business referendum. BANKSIDE TRAVEL GROUP LAUNCHED The Better Bankside Travel Planning Group has been launched with an early morning breakfast conference at the Jerwood Space. ============================================================ [ Features from the London SE1 website ] COMMUNITY PROJECTS ENCOURAGED TO APPLY FOR FUNDING Local community projects in North Southwark are being encouraged to apply for a grant from Land Securities' Capital Commitment fund, which offers funding of up to GBP 5,000. ============================================================ [ Arts reviews from the London SE1 website ] THE POLAR EXPRESS 3D AT THE BFI LONDON IMAX CINEMA Seeing The Polar Express in 3D is a sure way to get into the Christmas spirit this year. Based on Chris Van Allsburg's children's book, the fim was first released last year and is back by popular demand. CORAM BOY AT THE NATIONAL THEATRE Helen Edmundson's adaptation of Jamila Gavin's novel provides an electrifying, disturbing, utterly compelling night at the theatre. ============================================================ [ Hot topics from the London SE1 Forum ] Our weekly digest of topics raised in recent discussions at - Roast @ Borough Market - Jam factory question - Vervena Beauty Clinic - Potters Fields - Driscoll House, New Kent Road - New London Bridge Tesco arriving soon? - Bermondsey Street Shops - 1 Blackfriars Road [Beetham 68-storey tower] - Southwark Council major works charges - Elephant and Castle Regeneration - Another bit of SE1 heritage gone! (Banksy in Clink Street) - Tyers Gate bins - Loft insulation - council grants? - Tooley Street Red Route - Anonymous building opposite Konditor and Cook - Old photos of SE1 - Network Rail & Thameslink 2000 - Founders Place Planning Committee Site Visit * Please note that you need to register separately for the London SE1 Forum - your login details for this email newsletter (shown below) will NOT work on the forum. * To read and respond to all these discussions and more, go to: ============================================================ >> CONTACT DETAILS ============================================================ Before sending us event information or press releases, please read this page: Editor: James Hatts - [email protected] SE1 Direct is copyright (c) 2005 Bankside Press ============================================================ >> SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION ============================================================ - WANT TO UNSUBSCRIBE? - CHANGING YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS? 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