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============================================================ [ SE1 Direct ] Issue 696 Monday 10 March 2014 ISSN 1750-0656 ============================================================ IN THIS BULLETIN ============================================================ * Local news & features from the London SE1 website * Advert: Achieve your spring fitness goals * What's on this week * Local job vacancies * Small offices & desk spaces for rent * Hot topics from the London SE1 Forum * Business forum in association with Better Bankside ============================================================ { Local news & features from the London SE1 website } * Reader offer: Save �6 on The A-Z of Mrs P musical tickets Read more: * Sainsbury's plans store at Great Dover Street hotel Read more at: * Elephant & Castle and Waterloo roundabouts to be removed Read more at: * C10 bus route reliability needs to improve, Mayor admits Read more at: * St Thomas' Hospital A&E: work starts on �20 million revamp Read more at: * Nine years in jail for Borough High Street armed robber Read more at: * Waterloo 'Quietway' to be first of Mayor's new bike routes Read more at: * Planners veto 7-storey tower opposite The Old Vic Read more at: * 38 homes planned for former Esso garage in Old Kent Road Read more at: * 'Save our homes': SE1 residents join City Hall protest Read more at: * Southwark Cathedral hosts art installations during Lent Read more at: * 'Ghost boat' cabin cruiser cast adrift on the Thames Read more at: * Tate Modern visitor numbers fall Read more at: * 2 years living behind scaffolding: residents protest Read more at: * Lower Marsh's new Saturday market launches Read more at: * Book launch marks start of Cathedral's WWI commemorations Read more at: * Estate agents and bankers triumph in SE1 pancake races Read more at: * Local estate agent sponsors Lower Marsh market stall Read more at: ============================================================ { Advert } Achieve your spring fitness goals with Personal Training for �19.50! We are an Independent Fitness Studio located on Weston Street SE1 Our small group/semi personal training sessions are in a group of no more than 4 people. These sessions are 40 minutes in duration and depending on the time of day, you could be training alone with one of our fabulous trainers! Don�t feel like you have to find the other 3 people, we have fabulous friendly clients already to keep you company! Want an intense quick kick start to your spring fitness? Take part in our 2 week/10 day indoor Boot Camp. Our Boot Camp runs every 2 weeks/10 days with weekends off 6.40am until 7.30am. Every day is dedicated to a body part along with intense cardio. Small numbers so you are watched closely. Free 2 week eating plan. Injury rehabilitation Jane Dowling owner of Fitness For Every Body has been in the industry for 20 years and specialises in injury rehabilitation. If you feel that you have hit a wall with your condition and that you need intervention to make progress Jane has many years of experience working alongside clinical therapist to make that extra difference in achieving normal day to day living. Therapy room to hire We have availability in our beautiful therapy room for the right person to join our team. Contact Jane on the number below. See pictures on our Facebook page Fitness For Every Body, The Leathermarket, 108 Weston Street. 020 7403 9988. [email protected] ------------------------------------------------------------ Get your ad here: Now taking bookings for late 2014 ============================================================ { What's on this week } ACCESS TO HIGHER EDUCATION OPEN DAY Tuesday 11 March 10.30am-3pm at Morley College, 61 Westminster Bridge Road; free Do you want to go to university? An Access to Higher Education Diploma could help you gain the skills, knowledge and support needed to secure your university place. Come along to the college's open day to find out more about Access Diplomas, and to meet representatives from partner universities. Advice and guidance will be available throughout the day from Morley tutors and representatives from London South Bank University, University of East London, Birkbeck and Goldsmiths (both University of London). Info & map: HOT AND SPICY DRUGS Tuesday 11 March 12.30pm-1.30pm at Harris Lecture Theatre, Guy's Hospital, Great Maze Pond; free; book at Speakers: Dr Julie Keeble, Dr Fiona Russell and Professor Sue Brain. Pharmacology is the science of drugs and their effects on living systems. Our food contains very small quantities of very interesting drugs in the form of spices, such as chilli and wasabi. This talk will take a look at the pharmacology of these spices from how their effects were discovered to current research and their effects in disease. Part of Feed Your Mind: the King's Festival of Food and Ideas. Info & map: WATERLOO OPEN SPACES FORUM Tuesday 11 March 6.30pm-9pm at Weston Roof Pavilion, Royal Festival Hall, Belvedere Road All campaigners and carers for green places in Waterloo are invited to this one-off Forum meeting to share ideas and knowledge towards a schedule of key projects. This event is organised by the Waterloo Open Spaces Partnership through Waterloo Community Development Group, and Bankside Open Spaces Trust, with funding from Lambeth Council via WaCoCo. "Waterloo has an amazing richness of community-managed green places, including Bernie Spain Gardens, Jubilee Gardens and our own Waterloo Millennium Green, as well as part community management at St John's Churchyard, Archbishop's Park, Hatfields Green and Ufford Street," said Helen Firminger, director of Bankside Open Spaces Trust "Coming together as a group to see how we can make the most of our strengths has got to be a first principle, long term security for all green space is the vision." Michael Ball of WCDG added: "One of the key issues we want to crack open is financial: the revenue requirements all open space management generates, the general fact that local government is not providing revenue funding, and the observation that money doesn't grow on trees." Info & map: CONSPIRE PRESENTS: HOME Tuesday 11 March 6.30pm-10.30pm at 47/49 Tanner Street, 47-49 Tanner Street; �5 from Conspire is a regular event bringing together art, politics and science - this month exploring the theme of 'Home'. Expect to be surprised by the myriad of extremely different interpretations of the word and the mixture of performance mediums brought together for one night only. Themes include the housing crisis, identity, migration, homelessness and the family. Info & map: RECENT LOCAL ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL WORK Tuesday 11 March 7.30pm (refreshments from 7pm) at New Cut Housing Co-Operative Hall, 106 The Cut; non-members �1 Symposium with various speakers. A Southwark & Lambeth Archaeological Society event. Info & map: DR BIKE Wednesday 12 March 4.30pm-7pm outside James Clerk Maxwell Building, 57 Waterloo Road; free Bring your bike along for a free check from one of Lambeth Council's professional mechanics. They will be looking at your brakes, tyres, gears and general roadworthiness of your bike. If there is something they can quickly fix there and then they will, otherwise they will advise you on what is wrong so you can take it to a bike shop well-informed. Info & map: RUSH HOUR CONCERT Thursday 13 March 6pm at St John's Waterloo, 73 Waterloo Road; free Southbank Sinfonia performs Vaughan Williams' Oboe Concerto and Beethoven's Symphony No.2. Info & map: ROY VICKERY: FAIRY & OTHER FOLKS IN OLD OAKS Thursday 13 March 8pm at The Old King's Head, Kings Head Yard, 45-49 Borough High Street; �2.50 (conc �1.50); reservations [email protected] According to Katharine Briggs' 'Dictionary of Fairies' most people know the proverb 'fairy folks are in old oaks' and other people know that King Charles II famously hid in an oak tree. This lecture will discuss the folklore of the tree which is often considered to be a national emblem, and include weather-lore, commemorating road victims and Robin Hood. A South East London Folklore Society event. Info & map: MICRO-VOLUNTEERING DAY Friday 14 March 10am-4pm at Unit 215/216, Elephant & Castle Shopping Centre, Elephant and Castle; free Too busy to take up a regular volunteering role? Drop in to Volunteer Centre Southwark to find out about online micro-volunteering opportunities. You can micro-volunteer by typing up pages of a book, contributing data about your local weather, filling out petitions and surveys. Or you can help to document the wildlife in your garden, spot new planets and stars to aid the mapping of our universe, or even attempt to spot a ghost or the Loch Ness Monster on webcam, helping to support research and even perhaps provide an answer to unsolved mysteries. Info & map: JOURNEY TO THE CENTRE OF THE GUT WITH BOMPAS & PARR Friday 14 March 6.30pm-8.30pm at Lecture Theatre 1, Guy's Hospital, Great Maze Pond; �10; book at Working with King's gastroenterologists, Sam Bompas and Harry Parr present a voyage to the center of the gut. Following a short introduction on the medical practice of endoscopy and gastroenterology the presenter will swallow a SynMed pill-cam. This will stream footage from within as the camera moves along the alimentary canal. The resulting footage will be used to illustrate a volume of Memoirs of a Stomach � an obscure 1852 diet book told from the perspective of a stomach. The art book combining scans of the volume with contemporary gastroenterological photography will distributed through selected bookshops in October. Each participant in the event will receive a copy of a book which opens with the view from their own tongue. Part of Feed Your Mind: the King's Festival of Food and Ideas. Info & map: CLASSIC CAR BOOT SALE Saturday 15 to Sunday 16 March 10am-6pm at Hungerford Car Park, Belvedere Road; �4 Vintage fashion, accessories and homeward traders operating from the boots of the vintage vehicles alongside street food wagons, musical performances and theatre. Info & map: ============================================================ { Local job vacancies } * Projects Officer, Pembroke House See Why not advertise your job vacancy here? Only �9.99: ============================================================ { Small offices & desk spaces for rent } * Stunning 1st Floor Office SE1, Recoules Estates See Why not advertise your office space here? Only �9.99: ============================================================ { Hot topics from the London SE1 Forum } * Long Lane humming noise * Council Tax Bill * Great Suffolk Street club night revellers * Lena Fox House hostel, Crimscott Street * China Bowl in Hercules Road * Hungry Bears * Lent * Southwark Council electoral register howler * Subway opening in The Cut * One Trinity Street Site * Drinking Fountain in Tanner Street Park * LSBU gym London Road - any feedback? * Rough sleeping * Hand car wash To see all the current active forum topics, go to: ============================================================ { Business forum in association with Better Bankside } * Office Needed - SE1 Read more at ============================================================ CONTACT DETAILS ============================================================ Before sending us event information please see Editor: James Hatts - [email protected] SE1 Direct is copyright (c) 2014 Bankside Press Postal address: 27 Blackfriars Road, London SE1 8NY ============================================================ SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION ============================================================ You have received this email because you signed up to receive weekly mailings about SE1 news and events. 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